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Understanding Workers’ Compensation Benefits for California Government Workers

Government workers have unique workers' comp benefits considerations. Learn more.

If you're a government or municipal worker in California, you might wonder if you qualify for state workers' compensation benefits if you're injured on the job. This article breaks down the essentials of workers' compensation laws for public employees, including special rules for some workers, the concept of exclusive remedy, and what conditions need to be met to get these benefits.

What is Workers' Compensation?

Workers' compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who get injured or sick because of their job. It usually covers medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. In California, almost all employees, including government and municipal workers, are covered by this system.

Are Government Workers Covered?

Yes! In California, workers' compensation laws apply to government workers at all levels—state, county, city, and even school districts. This means if you're a public or municipal employee and get injured at work, you're entitled to the same workers’ compensation benefits as private-sector workers.

Special Workers’ Compensation Benefits Rules for Some Public Employees

Certain government workers, especially those in law enforcement, have special rules. For example:

  • Police Officers and Firefighters: If a police officer or firefighter develops heart trouble after five years of service, it's automatically presumed to be work-related. This means they don't have to prove their job caused the condition.

The Exclusive Remedy Rule

Workers' compensation benefits are usually the only remedy for work-related injuries. This means you typically cannot sue your employer for additional damages if you accept workers' compensation benefits. This rule simplifies the process and ensures you get benefits without a lengthy legal battle.

When Are You Eligible?

To qualify for workers' compensation, your injury or illness must be related to your job. There must be an ongoing employment relationship when the injury happens. Essentially, if you're doing your job and get hurt, you should be covered.

Do You Need Help Receiving the Workers’ Compensation Benefits You Deserve? Contact Us Today. 

Government workers in California are entitled to workers' compensation benefits just like private-sector employees. Special provisions ensure even more protection for public safety workers like police officers and firefighters. The exclusive remedy rule ensures a smooth process for receiving benefits.

If you're a government worker in California and have been injured on the job, it's important to understand your rights. Contact the experienced attorneys at SoCal Workers Comp for a free consultation to ensure you get the benefits you deserve. Reach out to us today to secure your compensation.

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